14 February 2013

Future Pefect: artists announced

Nils Norman, David Thorpe and Matt Stokes have been commissioned to draw up proposals for Future Perfect, a programme of public works for Hengrove in south Bristol, co-curated by Jes Fernie and Theresa Bergne.


16 November 2012

Archive of Ideas

Martino Gamper has completed his Archive of Ideas for Hengrove in south Bristol.  Part of the Future Perfect art commissioning programme that Jes and Theresa Bergne are developing for 2012 / 2013, this flexible display structure will tour Hengrove, a residential area of South Bristol, engaging people in a dialogue about the art commissioning programme, relaying information about other commissions, and displaying work by a group of local documenters.

Click here for more information.

24 September 2012

Interview with Carla Filipe, Guimaraes, 29 September 2012

Jes will be taking part in the Curator’s Lab programme in Guimaraes, Portugal - European Capital of Culture, on 29 September 2012 16h00 - 19h00.

This will be an in-conversation event with Porto based artist Carla Filipe and will include artists and curators Caroline Hancock, Pedro Barateiro, Judit Bodor and Von Calhau.

Click here for more information.

14 September 2012

Writtle Calling / 2EmmaToc - 15th September 2012


Saturday 15th September 2012, 7-10pm

Private View and Live Broadcasts from the Radio Stage

including performances by Jenny Haxell (of Writtle Singers), Heather Phillipson, Kevin Atherton, Edwin Burdis and Clout!
and readings/films by Marina Warner, Tom Woolner & Jonathan Griffin


Writtle College, Writtle, Nr. Chelmsford, CM1 3RR

A few places are left on the coach, leaving Bethnal Green Museum of Childhood at 5.30pm, returning from Writtle at 10.15pm
Email .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) to reserve a place (£8 return)

Bring a bottle and warm clothes as the event is outside

01 August 2012

Writtle Calling / 2EmmaToc

A radio station broadcasting from Writtle, Essex, 11 - 18 September 2012

Writtle Calling / 2EmmaToc is a temporary radio station by artist Melissa Appleton and architectural practice Post-Works which will broadcast from the Essex landscape in September 2012. The station will host a series of live broadcasts by artists, writers, musicians and scientists with a public event on Saturday 15th September.

Participating artists include All Saints Bellringers, Kevin Atherton, Brandon Le Belle, Pablo Bronstein, Ronald Blythe, Edwin Burdis, Heather Phillipson, Mark Leckey, Longmeg, Roger Luckhurst, Top Nice, Jonny Trunk, Tim Wander, Marina Warner, Jonathan P Watts, Tom Woolner and Writtle Voices.

Jes has been working with Melissa to develop the programme.
Click here for more information, including details of a coach from Bethnal Green to Writtle on 15th September.

05 July 2012

Martino Gamper workshop in Bristol

Jes is working with freelance curator Theresa Bergne on a two year art commissioning programme in south Bristol.  We have commissioned Martino Gamper to work with us to develop an Archive of Ideas - a peripatetic structure used to display art works, books, photographs, ideas and statements, as part of the research phase of the project.

We are holding a workshop with Martino on Saturday 14 July; residents are invited to bring along unwanted or broken bits of furniture to create something new and unique.

14 June 2012

firstsite book launch 20 June 2012

A new book on firstsite has been published by Scala as part of their Art Spaces series.  Jes edited the book and worked with author Jay Merrick, Curatorial Assistant Asana Greenstreet and Catherine Price, Scala Editor, on the contents and picture selection.

For the book launch Jes has organised a discussion at firstsite focusing on the architectural identity of the Eastern region.  We will consider whether the change in the political and financial landscape is likely to affect the type of buildings that get built and consider how we stack up as a region in terms of the quality and range of contemporary architectural commissioning.

Meredith Bowles, MOLE and Charles Holland, FAT.

The evening will be chaired by Adrian Friend, Architecture Course Leader, Norwich University College of the Arts.

This event is part of the RIBA Love Architecture programme.

Click here to book a ticket.

If you would like to order a copy of the book, click here.

21 May 2012

Art and the Olympics

The latest issue of the engage journal explores the theme of the impact of the Olympics on gallery culture, education and art practice. It includes a discussion between Simon Pope and Jes Fernie entitled Keeping to the Path: Maintaining ‘Core Purpose’ in Participatory Art Under Conditions of Contemporary Patronage.

The authors respond to the question of whether making work ‘for’ the Games has diverted artists from their core purpose. Pope’s 80-minute film, Memory Marathon, documents a participatory event in which the artist walked through the streets of London talking to local residents about their memories from past Olympic games. The interactions served both to ‘reflect existing social relations and establish new ones.’

Click here for more information.

03 May 2012

Play Time: Art in the Park

Jes has been commissioned by the London Legacy Development Corporation to organise a programme of studio visits, talks, walks, screenings and workshops which will take place around the Olympic Park from 2 - 7 July 2012.

The events are part of the LLDC’s programme to launch the new arts and culture strategy and will include artists such as Keith Wilson, Lucy Harrison and DJ Simpson.

Visit the London Festival of Architecture for more information or click here for pdf

30 March 2012

Call for proposals

Writtle Calling: 2emmatoc
A temporary radio station by Melissa Appleton and Matthew Butcher
11 - 18 September 2012

Proposals from artists, curators, writers, musicians and farmers welcome.
Deadline: 15 April 2012

Writtle Calling: 2emmatoc is a temporary radio station that will broadcast from the Essex landscape during September 2012. The station will host a series of broadcasts which will culminate in a live public event on 15th September. The radio structure is to be sited in the grounds of Writtle College, Essex, where the first regular public radio broadcasts by Marconi Engineers took place in 1922.

Jes is acting as an advisor to this project.
Click here for more information.


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Jes Fernie

Mobile: 07960687912

Site by Counterwork